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# rancher-desktop
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[containerd_test] echo $password | nerdctl --debug-full login $legit_registry_url --username $user --password-stdin                                                                                                                                                                                    
time="2022-08-16T16:55:44Z" level=debug msg="Ignoring hosts dir \"/etc/containerd/certs.d\"" error="stat /etc/containerd/certs.d: no such file or directory"
time="2022-08-16T16:55:44Z" level=debug msg="Ignoring hosts dir \"/etc/docker/certs.d\"" error="stat /etc/docker/certs.d: no such file or directory"
time="2022-08-16T16:55:44Z" level=debug msg="len(regHosts)=1"
time="2022-08-16T16:55:54Z" level=error msg="failed to call tryLoginWithRegHost" error="failed to call <http://rh.Client.Do|rh.Client.Do>: Get \"https://$legit_registry_url/v2/\": dial tcp: lookup $legit_registry_url on read udp> i/o timeout" i=0
time="2022-08-16T16:55:54Z" level=fatal msg="failed to call <http://rh.Client.Do|rh.Client.Do>: Get \"https://$legit_registry_url/v2/\": dial tcp: lookup $legit_registry_url on read udp> i/o timeout"
looks like this is happening with the VPN off too.. going to try a full reinstall maybe
1. Logged off of vpn 2. Reset Rancher Desktop 3. Uninstalled application 4. Download and install latest 1.5.1 5. Same error when using nerdctl it looks like there’s some DNS issue on the VM running?
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rdctl shell
lima-rancher-desktop:/Users/home$ cat /etc/resolv.conf 
lima-rancher-desktop:/Users/home$ nslookup <|>
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
I edited my /etc/resolv.conf in the lima vm manually to match my machine’s local dns server and it’s working now..