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# general
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You are not the only one who has had issues with the server URL and certs. If you have any specific suggestions for what change you would like to see in the UI or docs, I'd appreciate it.
even just updating your guidance on the support article to clarify helm2 or helm3 would have helped tremendously as the environment the person might be trying to perform the same actions using the rancher-single-tool or cluster-agent-tool (I took a look at the same operations it would perform as the terraform SUSE Rancher install did not have the correct packages installed). If there is a script already, I thought this could/would be integrated but I understand with the number of permutations on how Rancher can be installed this is extremely difficult. So, I guess, clearer instructions or follow the great information by SuperSeb out there on either a) providing that info with the similar caveats b) implementing those processes but with a big warning dialog on how that can break connectivity with clusters. Thanks for asking Catherine. As I mentioned, I really do appreciate the work you guys are doing. Now off to figure out how I can apply a taint on an auto-scaling node pool so I can add ubuntu nodes to my existing cluster for longhorn so my workloads don't get scheduled there.
Thanks for the feedback. Do you have a link to the support article?