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# rancher-desktop
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I had time to do some additional troubleshooting, and here are my findings: • The Lima Alpine ISO boots properly when run in VirtualBox, whether that's on the host itself, or in VirtualBox VM within a VirtualBox VM. • The Lima Alpine ISO does NOT boot properly when run in QEMU/KVM within a VirtualBox VM. I wasn't able to capture the error information entirely since I only had a VGA console, but the last 20 lines or so matched up with the boot error I originally posted, so I assume it ran into the same problem. • The upstream Alpine ISOs ("standard" and "virt") similarly fails to boot when run in QEMU/KVM within a VirtualBox VM. • The Ubuntu 22.04 server ISO runs properly and boots to the installer menu when run in QEMU/KVM within a VirtualBox VM So it looks like this is an issue with Alpine running in QEMU/KVM within VirtualBox specifically. I'll take it up with them. 🙂