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# harvester
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what version of harvester are you currently running?
I'm not sure about the OP's version, but I'm on 1.0.2 and I also don't see an upgrade option (last time it was in the upper right, IIRC).
Yeah, we are working on this. I will let you know if it works. Thanks!
👍 1
We update the version. I can receive upgrade request in my cluster. May you check it? Thank you.
If your Harvester cluster doesn't show Upgrade button you can make it appear by running
Copy code
$ ssh rancher@harvester-vip
rancher@harvester-vip:~> sudo -i
rancher@harvester-vip:~> kubectl create -f <{version}/version.yaml|{version}/version.yaml>
Replacing {version} with your current version+1 i.e. if running 1.0.2 then use v1.0.3 (include the leading v). That should allow upgrade using remote ISO. If you want to use locally hosted ISO see