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# vsphere
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Ok thanks! went down the dhcp reservation route for now. It would be nice to get some sort of service mesh to update ip(s) as they change so then this wouldn't need to be done.
@some-oil-32535 I like @agreeable-oil-87482 method of leveraging network ip pool profiles through vsphere. Perhaps rancher should make that the official way to handle it and create some workflows in k8s with it ? 😊
@agreeable-oil-87482 Why isn't there an IPAM way or IPAM plugin that could be used?
vSphere doesn't provide this out of the box except for vAPP. You can get k8s IPAM solutions for container networking, but not for hosts AFAIK. Each cloud provider will also do it differently and use differing network managers per linux distro etc
@agreeable-oil-87482; Right so if IPAM was built into the Management software and you could have that doing the CRUD operations. Or if you allowed a vendor like Infoblox to do that plugin into the Rancher Management software for hosts, that would even be better! to solve this issue. DHCP Reservations aren't the best, and I've also recently discovered with at least ubuntu cloud vms use DUID or a different Unique DHCP ID than the traditional mac address. VMware vAPP may work, however, it not really designed for something like this? Where as IPAM solution would be and its very essential to getting nodes going and would certainly make way easier to manage than the DHCP reservation or / vAPP method?
At least with Linux and Cloud-Int that may be a very standard way of applying said IP address's to make that a requirement of the solution?
As far as Infoblox goes, I've requested new IP(s) via there REST API, which is pretty simple way of getting back the next ip address. Then it just needs to be put into the Cloud-Init template? But would really need a way from the Management software to help facilitate that I believe to at least have it provision it with a static ip by default.
Although, now thinking of maybe there is also a way though the Cloud Init to do a post task to grab the current DHCP ip, and make that static with netplan. But then still need to have a way to automatically mark that ip as reserved in MS DHCP.
Wonder if there is a powershell or API way to do that part.
I did this through @agreeable-oil-87482 vsphere ip pools. And network profile. It works a treat
Due to cluster certificates etc the control plane nodes need to be static, but can the workers be taken from an IP Pool? Thanks
Yes it can
I think you can add scripts to add certificate to cluster control plane