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# rke2
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that image is included in the airgap tarballs. Did you download them and place them in the agent/images directory on your nodes, or import them into your private registry mirror?
no - I used the official TF module which sets up an AWS launch configuration, then I closed off the airgap.
I'll try putting the tarball (uncompressed if I understand correctly?) under /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/images
I don’t think that would be sufficient. There’s more to an airgap install than just installing things and then cutting it off from the internet. See
can I ask a last question, is that airgap tarball loaded into containerd on agent bootup time? if so, whenever the worker node gets populated with other images, when the image cleanup takes place, what excludes system images (like pause) from the cleanup?
pause should be protected from GC by the kubelet itself, but the kubelet didn’t do a good job of that prior to 1.24
so how do we mitigate? upgrade to 1.24?
the best way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to make sure you don’t run out of disk space and tune your GH thresholds, or use a private registry mirror so that if GC does prune your images they can be pulled again.
ok thats unerstandable, thank you!!!