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# k3s
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I'm not entirely sure, but I have a feeling the arm6l architecture isn't supported (by most things in the k8s ecosystem). I think it's arm7 or aarch64 most of the time.
I see. But shouldn't building it from source work? See the issues and
Modern kubernetes doesn't support armv6 and so neither does k3s. With enough effort you can probably get it working, but there's a lot of other stuff beyond compile one repo to deal with, like every agent/container that end up running. And a 1B is so slow that just running kubernetes is probably going to keep the whole CPU busy before you run anything useful... if your app even fits in what's left of the 512MB.
Damn... I though that just running the agent on it and then having a raspi 4 with 8 GB RAM as a k3s master node could be doable.
And I only want to use the 1B node to run a single non-demanding application (after trying to compile k3s on it I am painfully aware of how slow and limited that hardware is).