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# neuvector-security
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Also running into some issues with a similar setup (v1.22.9). I configured the chart via the catalog to look for the containerd runtime and the cluster is built from Ubuntu nodes hardened CIS level 1 standards via USG. Controller and enforcer pods never come up and I'm seeing this in controller pod logs:
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2022-08-03T21:04:20.169|INFO|CTL|container.Connect: - endpoint=
2022-08-03T21:04:20.17 |ERRO|CTL|main.main: Failed to initialize - error=Unknown container runtime
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated because we really like Neuvector!
shouldnt be any issue in either case
@swift-byte-32159: if you are using rke2, can you make sure you selected the k3s runtime. The catalog documentation needs to be updated to reflect this as opposed to the standard containerd.
@silly-airline-38945 so it was OK on that same cluster before the upgrade?
i know previously there was an issue on flatcar and some other cases but was OK in 5.0.1
Thanks @quiet-fountain-46593! That did it. Should've read the manual 🙂
no worries! The upstream chart doc change should hopefully be in the rancher catalog itself in 2.6.7
Good catch, @quiet-fountain-46593
@quiet-fountain-46593, a little late, but yes. However not on hardned rke2. This would need the documented patches.
have not seen any issues with this process, but I can try and reproduce. Can you please let me know the rancher version when the cluster was created at 1.21.13, and what version when updated so I can use the same