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# k3d
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Use k3d managed registry, and when building your docker images - push them there. No need to import.
thanks, basically I want to use images from docker hub, either k3d or local docker registry requires me to re-tag the image ๐Ÿ˜…
why ???
k3d is a ke to download images from dockerhub as well as from any other remote registry
based on user repro steps I deploy a specific version of the operator inside k3d and most of the times I'll have those images available in local docker cache. so I want k3d (basically cri-o) to look my cache rather than hitting docker hub
btw, I'm a long time user of k3d ๐Ÿ˜…
no, thanks for the pointer. It seems I'm using quite an old version. will take a look.
Thanks for chiming in here @millions-alarm-86298! @big-librarian-12753 unfortunately, containerd cannot make any use of the docker image cache. There's an issue open for years now for docker to move to the containerd variant, but afaik that didn't happen yet.
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