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# general
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What is that error even from? That's not an error k3s or kubectl would give you. It mostly just looks like you haven't given something the path the the k3s admin kubeconfig?
Thanks @creamy-pencil-82913 agree can you please guide how to configure in path k3s admin kubeconfig.
thanks in advance
Make sure your K3s.yaml matches your config file in ~/.kube/config and chmod 644 both files. also try export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml or where ever your config/k3s.yaml file is located...then your kubectl command should interact with k3s server if that doesn't work them restart your k3s server and run this command: export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml or where ever your config file is
FYI I had the same error and I had to do this to troubleshoot
Thanks Bryan, may I request you please share reference link/article that I can follow
Thanks @creamy-pencil-82913 it helped. cheers mate
@creamy-pencil-82913 getting same error from worker node, so k3s.yaml is missing in worker node i only see this config.yaml.d registries.yaml
@creamy-pencil-82913 what could be the issue ?
Can i copy file from master node and use on worker node ?