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# general
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I hear people talk about Traefik as an ingress controller. I haven't really looked at it, but I hadn't heard people talking about it having service mesh capabilities.
Yes it seems to be a simple service mesh that comes OOB with K3s Rancher installations
From the feature set perspective not much difference i feel
It comes as the default installed ingress controller with K3S, just like RKE & RKE2 come with nginx as the default installed ingress controller.
Istio is complex to setup for sure
I have experience with Istio so considering migrating from Traefik to Istio but would like to understand any real benefits i gain that Traefik doesn’t provide me
I think you might want to look up a bit more about what service meshes do. At a 5k yard level, an ingress controller performs basic routing from outside the cluster to internal services. A service mesh allows a lot of network management, joining distinct networks into common IP spaces, traffic logging, and goes between all the pods and not just at the external boundary (though it can do things with the external boundary too).
Got it so Traefik is more of a Ingress controller than a service mesh compared to Istio?
Istio lives as a sidecar on pods in a configured workspace and will do metrics on all network traffic to/from those pods and their other destinations and can also allow securing traffic to implement things like zero trust where every service has to authenticate to every other service and be authorized in a way that doesn't require the application itself to be aware.
Traefik is definitely an ingress controller and I don't know if it or a sister project has service mesh capability or not. Istio is definitely a service mesh, and I think it might have an ingress controller but it can also be used with any ingress controller if you want it to just log/monitor/secure traffic within your cluster.
So would you use a combination of Traefik + Istio to handle the API management capabilities of Traefik with the Istio service mesh capability?
In other works do both complement each other?
Traefik handles North-South traffic with Istio handling east-west traffic?
My understanding is they can and it's an option. Don't know if it's optimal for a given scenario or not. There's just a lot of a la carte with Kubernetes, so how much something is a good option or a bad option can be kinda' specific.
Okay it depends on my use case really and my setup
I'd recommend you look up some tutorials on service meshes and/or Istio specifically, ask yourself why you want/need that functionality, and then combine as appropriate.
You can look up ingress controllers too, but they're pretty simple. Basically just a web server sort of appliance to service ingress rules with the various config options that you get with them (so similar tradeoffs if you're considering httpd vs nginx for a basic web server, a lot of differences in how you configure things and what's an option but pretty similar and can often be drop in replacements).
There is the Traefik Mesh