Anyone with experience in <SEQ> deployment using L...
# longhorn-storage
Anyone with experience in SEQ deployment using LH as the backend storage? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are trying to get this working for the past several days. The deployment shows below error
Copy code
Flare.Ffi.Result.FlareException: Flare native storage failed (IOError), failed to read a document collection.
   caused by: error attempting to commit a document collection
   caused by: failed to write a checkpoint
   caused by: could not create file at: "/data/Documents/metastore.collection.864a90c955f848cead58c15be0d20b8d.docc"
   caused by: I/O error at path: "/data/Documents/metastore.collection.864a90c955f848cead58c15be0d20b8d.docc"
   caused by: Read-only file system (os error 30)
   at Flare.Ffi.Result.FlareResult.EnsureSuccess()
   at Flare.Ffi.Result.FlareResult.HandleNonSuccessWith(NonSuccessResultHandling handling)
   at Flare.Store.BeginWrite(String source)
   at Quince.Storage.Native.NativeDocumentSession.BeginTransaction()
   at Quince.Storage.Native.NativeDocumentSession.Write[TResult](Func`3 withWriter)
   at Quince.Storage.Native.NativeDocumentSession.ImportTrusted(String id, String json)
   at Seq.Server.Features.Alerting.AlertProcessor.PersistState(String alertId, DateTime checkTime, Nullable`1 suppressedUntil, AlertOccurrence occurrence, String[] failures)
   at Seq.Server.Features.Alerting.AlertProcessor.CheckAlert(AlertProcessorEntry entry, CancellationToken cancel)
[16:46:59 ERR] Unhandled exception raised while checking alerts
Flare.Ffi.Result.FlareException: Flare native storage failed (IOError), failed to read a document collection.