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# rancher-desktop
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Looks like a bug; can you file a Github issue for it please?
I hit this as well running containerd
It may be the same issue as nerdctl compose up failing · Issue #4364; please add a 👍 reaction on the issue, or a comment that you experience it as well
You should file the issue against the main repo, not against your fork; otherwise you will be the only person seeing it. But you can also just add it as a comment to the issue I linked above; it is very likely the same one
Thank you!
Thanks, Jan for your guidance, I am trying to make it work with the CONTAINER d runtime in WSL according to the rancher academy courses. With Powershell it's giving the expected results but with WSL no luck so far.
@full-elephant-64647, Can you please let us know the exact rancher academy course you are referring to ? Also, To help us reproduce the issue, Can you please try below simpler example and let us know if you see issues with it as well?
Copy code
echo "FROM alpine" > Dockerfile
echo 'CMD ["echo", "Hello World!!"]' >> Dockerfile
nerdctl build -t hello-world:0.1.0 .
nerdctl images
And, which WSL distro are you using ?