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# general
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You can use a certificate management tool like cert-manager to setup an issuer using a DNS challenge, then configure your Rancher instance to use the secret created by the issuer.
Thank you for letting me know. OVH is my DNS provider, but unfortunately the
resolver is not supported for the Issuer CRD
I am trying to apply an Issuer CRD YAML file using
kubectl apply
, but I received an error message saying that no issuer with the name "ovh" was found .
I'm not too familiar with OVH, however, I believe you can create an issuer by creating a webhook provider. There is this OVH webhook for cert-manager that you should be able to use to create the issuer.
I am uncertain whether I should use the installed cert-manager webhook or the one you recommended, since the recommended webhook does not have a Helm chart installation method available
That decision is really up to you, although there is a Helm chart within the repo I mentioned, and there are some steps to install the chart with your unique group name.
Sorry if my previous message was not clear enough, but I couldn't find a Helm repo to install the chart from
Instead of having the Helm template files locally and trying to use the Helm install command with them
Ah okay, I see what you mean. What you can do is create a repository within Rancher, targeting that Git repo specifically, then you will be able to select the chart from Apps -> Charts page.