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# rke2
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There's no such thing. RKE2 doesn't use docker-machine provisioning, nor does it even use Docker.
ok, Can you help me with steps to run provisioning from my local without running it from rancher UI. I want to debug my plugin code for rke2.
You want to mimic the provisioning process from Rancher?
Or just stand up a RKE2 cluster?
Just provision a RKE2 cluster from my local plugin code. something similar to docker-machine command I used for provisioning rke2 cluster.
You could just run the binary directly
RKE2 is packaged as a single binary, it's very different from RKE1
Basically, I am working on a plugin something like below:- It get bundled in rancher as Node driver, I want to execute this from my local setup without the Rancher UI. Directly running the driver will not work. We need to pass command line arguments.