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# rancher-desktop
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Could this possibly be backported to 1.8.2? It's really a bad UX "Rancher Desktop doesn't work"
Hi Josh. If you want, there is the 1.9.0 tech preview release that looks to have that fix. It's outside the upgrade channel since it's mostly serves as an early way to play with extensions. For now, we're not planning any more 1.8.x releases as 1.9 development continues, though if any blockers arise, we may have to react. Are you in a position to try the 1.9.0 tech preview? At the very least, maybe we need to put a known issue for this in 1.8.x.
I have a lot of internal users using RD for work
I need them to be able to reliably install RD and have it work
I could personally test RD tech preview, but that's pointless, I have a sudoers.d directory
The 1.9.0-tech-preview is just 1.8.1 plus the preview of the Docker Desktop extensions plus a few bug fixes.
If you need this fix, please use the tech preview
We felt that it doesn't have enough fixes/changes of general interest, which is the reason it is not included in the auto-update channel. We didn't want to push it to everybody, just so they can try out extension support with the 3 pre-configured extensions.
We did just run into that zzzz error
Which one specifically?
Given your lock-down requirements, I would have assumed you would run without admin-access, in which case the whole
issue should no apply...
Yeah that was it, thanks and sorry!