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# vsphere
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To narrow down a little … If we select a 1.22 or 1.23 k8s version the options are available. If we select 1.24 they aren’t
@square-policeman-85866 I noticed the same on v1.24 until I updated the cluster to 1.24.13+rke2r1. Once you do this you should see both CPI and CSI options. Well, my issue was that I did not see the CSI add on options until I upgraded to that version, I could always see CPI options.
Hey Jason. We did upgrade to 1.24.13+rke2r1. It’s on this version we are having the issue
Hmmm, the only difference I see is I am on rancher 2.7.1. Im not sure if that helps or not but it might be related.
We are on 2.6.11. Planning to go to 2.7.2. Will see if that fixes it
Upgrading to 2.7.2 and I can now see the info again