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# rke2
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I'm not sure I can say anything about how, but I can tell you that sounds like a recipe for a lot of port collisions so you'd have to make pretty well every Kubernetes port into a custom different port for it to work on the same host, unless you have two different networks on completely different IP spaces (which usually means 2 NICs, but you might be able to fool around in software and do it too) and you're scoping one to each or something similar.
we have a seperate etcd cluster on another network behind load balancer and currently with rke using that, as there is an option in rke configuration to simply point to an etcd external host. Was looking something similar in rke2 configuration but cannot find it.
Sorry, I misread, too tired I guess. For some reason I was reading you were trying to install RKE1 & RKE2 on the same system. Looking at your original post I have no idea how I got that idea.
The only links I know & can provide for reference is that I've heard at the command-line reference ( mirrors all the options that can be used in the config.yaml for installing RKE2 & shows that you can have control plane & etcd on separate nodes in your RKE2 cluster, so that'd show how to NOT run etcd, though I'm not positive how to point to an outside one.
we are using RKE1 with external etcd server. How can I install rke2 also using the external etcd server
Don’t put multiple clusters on the same etcd server. each cluster must have its own etcd cluster. You could run separate clusters on the same nodes, using different ports, and that would be fine.
also, rke2 is only supported with embedded etcd at the moment
thanks @creamy-pencil-82913 for the reply, the documentation really dont have any information for the rke2 si that is now confirmed. Regarding rke1, our database team offers central managed etcd service to us, and every k8s cluster has its own user (seperate cert/key) so I dont see a problem using that (so far its working really well) or am I missing something?
they need to use separate keyspaces as well as accounts. if your team is managing that all for you then great. but at the moment we only support RKE2 with the embedded etcd; that is a product strategy and supportability decision.
@creamy-pencil-82913 thanks for the reply, yes we have seperate keyspaces as well. Regarding RKE is there some guidelines that we should move away from RKE1 or it is safe to assume we can use it for years down the road?