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# general
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Found a workaround myself : i disabled the FG : LegacyServiceAccountTokenTracking=false
Where did you deploy this?
In my control-plane configuration. (Sorry , its not a cluster deployed by Rancher. I’ve deploy Kubernetes myself using TalosOS, and then added it to Rancher to have a better user management)
It’s kubernetes feature Gate
I have my control-plane in Digitialocean
I don’t believe that I have access to the control-plane’s config
You may want to check with the support if they can add these kind of customisation
Do I understand correctly that this warning message is bc the authentication between rancher and the cluster is token based secret instead of a client certificate ?
It’s because my kubernetes installation created automatically a secret for earch serviceaccount created. And kubectl (i guess) detect that and raise a Warning
It happens when I try to access my cluster via rancher and not directly using the client config
when I access it directly this warning message doesn’t get raised
it’s been a while when i’ve dive into this issue. But i’m pretty sure that all secret are scanned, and if they belong to a serviceaccount , the warning is raised. On kubernetes 1.27
Or maybe, it’s because my user (the rancher one) used has a secret (associated with the serviceAccount) which is “legacy”. Kubernetes add this labels for those users :
Copy code
    <|>: "2023-04-28"
When this labels exist, the warning is raised. But you are right, it may be the case only if we use a Rancher user.
And i have’nt found any solution to change the way Rancher generate the secret, so i’ve disabled the FeatureGate in Kubernetes control plane
Gonna make a new post about it. Hopefully there are now more people that are trying 1.27.
Yes sure, and also few month ago , rancher wasn’t officially compatible with 1.27. What do you mean by a new post ?
Oh ok in the general channel 😉
here on slack
ah possible that I have to update my rancher 🤔
hm, looks like rancher 2.7.5 is not certified yet with v1.26.
Yes even 2.7
We have a lot a cluster base on rancher 2.6, we are migration to 2.7 but. Rancher 2.6 allow k8s 1.24, then upgrade rancher server to 2.7 to push k8s to 1.26)