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# harvester
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Harvester is baremetal only
@witty-jelly-95845 Why is this? Isn't the harvester install process essentially just spinning up its own k8s cluster which then hosts the kubevirt instances? If so, then why can't we just use an existing k8s cluster? Why was it decided to make Harvester baremetal only?
So, you might be able to do it. The problem is, there are so many moving parts to this project. I have tried and ended up giving up because of the complexity.
You can try by looking at their helm charts.
It seems like it would be a better approach to have Rancher be deployed on baremetal, then deploy Harvester inside of rancher and link the two. This would remove an entire layer of complexity
Firstly note that I don't work for SUSE/Rancher. The first version (0.2.0) of Harvester was baremetal and helm charts but from 0.3.0 it's been baremetal only. Harvester is a complex beast, combining various technologies.