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# general
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if you install metallb and configure rke2-ingress-nginx to use a LoadBalancer service instead of running as a node port, yes
but that is all going to be something you will need to manage outside of Rancher
Rancher just sets itself up behind an Ingress, so it’ll be available via however you expose ingress-nginx
I have metallb setup and ready, any tips for configuring rke2-ingress-nginx for using metallb?
NVM, I think I’ve got it.
Maybe I don’t.
you’d want to use a HelmChartConfig and set the chart values to enable it
I want to put rancher on the load balancer directly, not specifically nginx
It doesn’t work like that. when you deploy Rancher to a Kubernetes cluster, it needs to be behind an ingress.
You only expose Rancher directly when it’s running in the (unsupported) docker container
Is there a guide some where for migrating away from that successfully?
Thanks for this much at least.
This will cause my Rancher hostname to change, which I read will break things.. Just trying to avoid that in general.
So I did the migration, that’s done.
But all of my current clusters (all two lol) are looking for as the host, not
if you’re using MetalLB, you should be able to just assign the MetalLB the same address that you were previously using for the docker container?
ah yeah, registering all your clusters against an IP would be an anti-pattern. Thats why the docs and UI all wants you to put in a hostname for Rancher.
Well, I was learning and things got out of hand, very antipattern lol
I realize that my current setup is not ideal, and is antipattern - I’d be happy to set it up properly. Is there a recommended doc or guide or even an uncrecommended doc/guide for migrating these clusters to the new hostname?
I’m not sure. I’m more of an RKE2/K3s dev than a Rancher dev but from what I know you’re looking at changing both the rancher cert and rancher hostname on the downstream clusters.
Thanks for the support Brandon.