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# neuvector-security
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Hi, cannot answer for the tech in Neuvector, but when it comes to admission controllers tools like kyverno og kubewarden has a bigger featureset. Depending in your milage, Neuvector might be sufficient enough, through.
👍 1
It uses some pretty smart tech that's mostly part of the Enforcer pods. NeuVector does not need to rely on eBPF or other kernel shims.
It can work with pretty much any CNI, which is handy when you want to employ security policies across heterogeneous kubernetes clusters.
Some of the nitty-gritty can be found in the patents.
Highly recommend attending a rodeo for some free and fun training. 🙂
Thanks folks! Signed-up for a rodeo next Tuesday 👍 (kyverno is great, but the ‘one solution for k8s security’ approach of neuvector appeals to me)
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