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# k3s
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Hey, I think the answer you’re looking for is already on this thread. Still, tl;dr: • If HA with embedded etcd you’ll need “odd” numbers for the control-plane quorum • If HA with external DB, just 2 should be fine.
I understand that two should cut it - we have 3 physical nodes and we would like to utilise all 3 of them - hence the question, if external db is used, are 3 nodes also ok or system “prefers” two?
I think it shouldn’t be a problem having more control planes with external DB. But I haven’t try it myself, so take my point of view with a grain of salt.
Got it - i am asking as i have tried but after deploying workload i ran into serious issues that i have not encountered before :/
🫠 1
How about posting the issue you are facing on the channel and call out your setup? So you can get the maintainers attention