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# general
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Are you talking about the support bundle thing that LH and Harvester use? For Rancher I think we always just asked people to use the log collector script.
there was a link in the UI for at least Rancher to generate a support bundle and always an option to run 'rancher support' in the rancher container. I'll take a look at this log collector script you speak of.
I was able to run that script directly on that ubuntu node! And you can still generate support bundles from the harvester UI. Thank you @creamy-pencil-82913. I will report my findings (yes still failed with rancher manager 2.6.9) in #harvester and get their thoughts while I wait for a call back from a SUSE rep to find out how I can some dirt cheap support so I too can be folded into this SUSE behemoth they are creating. 😉
"dirt cheap support" Let me know how that goes 😆
I'm willing to pay the same amount I pay for my VMUG subscription and I have already taken up enough everyone's time here, it only seems fair if I am truly interesting in seeing them succeed against the behemoth that is vmware (or I mean Broadcom, lol).