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# general
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Basic network troubleshooting is where i’d start. Can you resolve the address? can you ping it? Can you perform a basic curl of that address without the extra parameters?
yeah, I don't think it is network issue since the node did download the script over the network from the rancher server
also I get an 401 http error running the curl command without the X-Cattle_Id header
if I run curl in verbose mode, I can see the traffic, both client and server agrees on the https cert ... then it hangs
and I can see traffic going both ways when I run tcpdump
are you sure that curl command is actually where it’s hanging then, and not actually some command after that?
I put "echo" everywhere to trace the script execution and that curl command is where it hangs
now that you ask, let me double check
so, as mentioned, I have the script like this
Copy code
echo "3"

            echo "######## ATTEMPT $i of $RETRYCOUNT"

            echo "calling ===> curl $noproxy --connect-timeout 60 --max-time 60 --write-out \"%{http_code}\n\" ${CURL_CAFLAG} ${CURL_LOG} -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${CATTLE_TOKEN}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Id: ${CATTLE_ID}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Role-Etcd: ${CATTLE_ROLE_ETCD}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Role-Control-Plane: ${CATTLE_ROLE_CONTROLPLANE}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Role-Worker: ${CATTLE_ROLE_WORKER}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Node-Name: ${CATTLE_NODE_NAME}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Address: ${CATTLE_ADDRESS}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Internal-Address: ${CATTLE_INTERNAL_ADDRESS}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Labels: ${CATTLE_LABELS}\" -H \"X-Cattle-Taints: ${CATTLE_TAINTS}\" \"${CATTLE_SERVER}\"/v3/connect/agent -o ${CATTLE_AGENT_VAR_DIR}/rancher2_connection_info.json"

            RESPONSE=$(curl $noproxy --connect-timeout 60 --max-time 60 --write-out "%{http_code}\n" ${CURL_CAFLAG} ${CURL_LOG} -H "Authorization: Bearer ${CATTLE_TOKEN}" -H "X-Cattle-Id: ${CATTLE_ID}" -H "X-Cattle-Role-Etcd: ${CATTLE_ROLE_ETCD}" -H "X-Cattle-Role-Control-Plane: ${CATTLE_ROLE_CONTROLPLANE}" -H "X-Cattle-Role-Worker: ${CATTLE_ROLE_WORKER}" -H "X-Cattle-Node-Name: ${CATTLE_NODE_NAME}" -H "X-Cattle-Address: ${CATTLE_ADDRESS}" -H "X-Cattle-Internal-Address: ${CATTLE_INTERNAL_ADDRESS}" -H "X-Cattle-Labels: ${CATTLE_LABELS}" -H "X-Cattle-Taints: ${CATTLE_TAINTS}" "${CATTLE_SERVER}"/v3/connect/agent -o ${CATTLE_AGENT_VAR_DIR}/rancher2_connection_info.json)

            echo "call done with response $RESPONSE"
and I get the output
Copy code
######## ATTEMPT 1 of 4500
calling ===> curl  --connect-timeout 60 --max-time 60 --write-out "%{http_code}\n"  -sS -H "Authorization: Bearer ..." -H "X-Cattle-Id: ..." -H "X-Cattle-Role-Etcd: true" -H "X-Cattle-Role-Control-Plane: true" -H "X-Cattle-Role-Worker: true" -H "X-Cattle-Node-Name: " -H "X-Cattle-Address: " -H "X-Cattle-Internal-Address: " -H "X-Cattle-Labels: <|>" -H "X-Cattle-Taints: " "https://..."/v3/connect/agent -o /var/lib/rancher/agent/rancher2_connection_info.json
and I manually call the script like
Copy code
./ --server https://... --label '<|>' --token .... --etcd --controlplane --worker
im pretty sure the curl command hangs --> the rancher server is not sending a response back
DNS? If its curl command, can you resolve the name?
yes can resolve the name
nc -v server 443 ?
if I do curl to the rancher server I get a json back
network is fine
requests with authorization bearer and x-cattle-id headers hangs (at least to the /v3/connect/agent endpoint)
maybe check logs on the rancher pod then?
is this rancher pod running on the rke2 machine or is it running in the hosts running rancher?
the one that you’re making the request against
ah, ok I dont have access to that host, I will ask for help to the rancher sys admins tomorrow