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# rancher-desktop
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I think the port forward is not working
I'm using Win10 pro + wsl2 (Ubuntu 20.04)
there is nothing listening on the linux node
Also I've done reinstalled rancher-desktop again but this time (for all users), and I did not find
then I've done
Factory Reset
, after that I've chose my Ubuntu-20.04
I logged in to my ubuntu, and tried to execute
, then it did not find it
So again I decided to reinstall it
I installed it only for me
now from my ubuntu, nerdctl worked
now port forward worked
but now, I've tried to install my helm chart (it works with docker desktop)
get the pod
forward it to 8080 (on node) from 3000 (on container), then access it from the browser. I received an error
then I uninstall my helm chart
this time I tried to use
(which it works on docker desktop)
Copy code
❯ devspace -n local-dev dev
info Using namespace 'local-dev'
info Using kube context 'rancher-desktop'
info Created namespace: local-dev
deploy:app Deploying chart k8s/fe-softwaredev-expert (app) with helm...
deploy:app Deployed helm chart (Release revision: 1)
deploy:app Successfully deployed app with helm
dev:app Waiting for pod to become ready...
dev:app DevSpace is waiting, because Pod app-fe-softwaredev-expert-devspace-7766cbcb69-qlp7s has status: ContainerCreating
dev:app DevSpace is waiting, because Pod app-fe-softwaredev-expert-devspace-7766cbcb69-qlp7s has status: ContainerCreating
dev:app Selected pod app-fe-softwaredev-expert-devspace-7766cbcb69-qlp7s
dev:app open  Opening '<http://localhost:3000>' as soon as application will be started
dev:app ports Port forwarding started on: 3000 -> 3000
dev:app sync  Sync started on: ./ <-> ./
dev:app sync  Waiting for initial sync to complete
dev:app sync  Initial sync completed
dev:app ssh   Port forwarding started on: 10635 -> 8022
dev:app proxy Port forwarding started on: 10406 <- 10567
dev:app ssh   Use 'ssh app.fe-softwaredevexpertgit.devspace' to connect via SSH
dev:app term  Opening shell to fe-softwaredev-expert:app-fe-softwaredev-expert-devspace-7766cbcb69-qlp7s (pod:container)
Installing NPM Dependencies

added 342 packages, removed 18 packages, changed 1 package, and audited 344 packages in 12s

28 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
npm notice
npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.3 -> 9.6.3
npm notice Changelog: <>
npm notice Run npm install -g npm@9.6.3 to update!
npm notice

     %###########%       ____                 _____
         %#########%    |  _ \   ___ __   __ / ___/  ____    ____   ____ ___
         %#########%    | | | | / _ \\ \ / / \___ \ |  _ \  / _  | / __// _ \
     %#############%    | |_| |(  __/ \ V /  ____) )| |_) )( (_| |( (__(  __/
     %#############%    |____/  \___|  \_/   \____/ |  __/  \__,_| \___\\___|
 %###############%                                  |_|

Welcome to your development container!

This is how you can work with it:
- Files will be synchronized between your local machine and this container
- Some ports will be forwarded, so you can access this container via localhost
- Run `npm start` to start the application

devspace ./app # npm run dev

> dev
> solid-start dev

 solid-start dev
 version  0.2.24
 adapter  node

  VITE v4.2.1  ready in 1080 ms

  ➜  Local:   <http://localhost:3000/>
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  Inspect: <http://localhost:3000/__inspect/>
  ➜  press h to show help

  ➜  Page Routes:
     ┌─ <http://localhost:3000/*404>
     ├─ <http://localhost:3000/blog>
     ├─ <http://localhost:3000/>
     └─ <http://localhost:3000/users>

  ➜  API Routes:
     None! 👻

  > Server modules:
Then I tried to access it from the browser, but it does not work
So I tried a lot of stuff, but I could not succeed. Maybe someone can help me run it.
I think as a temporary solution to use Docker Desktop until I found a solution for the above issue with Rancher Desktop. I will return to Rancher Desktop as soon as there is a solution
I tried to give it a final shot before I uninstall rancher-desktop. I've done the following
pull nginx image
nerdctl -n <|> pull nginx:stable-alpine-slim
kubectl create namespace testing
run nginx pod
kubectl run myapp --image=nginx:stable-alpine-slim --image-pull-policy=Never --port 80 -n testing
add port forward
kubectl port-forward myapp 8085:80
then it worked
I need to investigate why my helm chart is not working, although it worked on docker desktop, but with rancher-desktop, it is not
ok, now I tried to run
nerdctl run --rm -p 8083:3000 nginx:alpine
(this worked for me in the messages above), but now it is not working
I disabled the total security (BitDefender), but still it does not work
I also tried to use dockerd/moby and I still had received
connection refused
in the above code it should be port 80 instead of 3000, anyway I uninstalled it, as I had problem with devspace and helm using port forward which it worked in docker desktop but not in rancher desktop
I returned again, and maybe something related to port mapping
I had problem with docker desktop after I uninstalled rancher desktop. But before to install rancher-desktop everything was working with docker desktop for a lot of months. The weird things started to happen after I uninstalled docker desktop and installed rancher-desktop