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# rancher-desktop
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I have no idea, but as long as it supports nested virtualization I don't see why not
I think so too. I’ll let you know
Just needed to enable nested virtualization in ESX VM config
@fast-garage-66093 I can’t find the instructions on installing Rancher Desktop headless on Linux - which is going to be a Jenkins worker - I remember asking this already, but Slack does not seem to have this message anymore. I think it was ether installation flag… there’s no command line flags for rancher-desktop 😞
Actually found the thread, but…:
Copy code
ubuntu@k8s-jagent-03970f:~$ rancher-desktop rancher-desktop --no-modal-dialogs
[15257:0331/011006.923869:ERROR:<|>(247)] Missing X server or $DISPLAY
[15257:0331/011006.923931:ERROR:<|>(226)] The platform failed to initialize.  Exiting.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
nor this works:
Copy code
ubuntu@k8s-jagent-03970f:~$ sudo rancher-desktop --no-modal-dialogs --no-sandbox
[17031:0331/011408.233156:ERROR:<|>(247)] Missing X server or $DISPLAY
[17031:0331/011408.233222:ERROR:<|>(226)] The platform failed to initialize.  Exiting.
Segmentation fault
I don't know if this is sufficient, but you need some kind of display to run Rancher Desktop
Well, the definition of headless means no display. Perhaps we can come up with some way of setting initial configuration and then ignore the display? Another question I had, why not run directly on Linux? Surely you can have a complete control of the VM, for a first and the main reason.
Please read the link I sent you; it should provide you with a virtual display for a headless setup:
First, install Xvfb. It's a virtual framebuffer, implementing the X11 display server protocol - it performs all graphical operations in memory without showing any screen output, which is exactly what we need.
But yeah, for a headless setup you could just run Lima directly without the Rancher Desktop around it. Or use colima.
I did read the link, but after I replied :) Naturally I'm not the first to have the problem, and solution exists
If I run Lima directly, will it give me everything RD has, like seamless integrated docker registry?
I want to save time an effort by not building my own solution. Not enough resources for that :(
No, Lima is more low-level, it allows you to run any kind of Linux VM on top of qemu, with shared volumes and port forwarding.
colima is a wrapper around Lima that provides preconfigured docker/kubernetes configurations and is probably better suited for headless environments.
But if you use Rancher Desktop on your local machine, then Xvfb should allow you to use the same config on CI.
So I'll be better of running RD, first time providing a real display and, after initial configuration, a fake one
You don't need a real display, you can control everything via
rdctl start
Can I always use a fake display and configure everything... You've just answered my question :)
Great, thanks! I'll try that tomorrow - 23:06 here:)
Same here 🙂
Oh good to know - I'm in San Jose, CA
Vancouver, BC
Not very close, but the same time zone, it helps. Have a good night!
You too
👍 1
Hi @fast-garage-66093, Some feedback - managed to run RD on Linux with nested virtualization. The Linux us Ubuntu 20.04 server, headless, i.e. no UI. Ran into this error:
Can’t figure out which polkit agent to install, any ideas?