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# harvester
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To explain, this image is only used for the initial creation of an Harvetser node so it is not present on a public repo, only embedded within the Harvester iso. It is then decompressed and load locally. However sometimes the extract of this container image fails, so it is not present on the Harvester node and the install hangs. This seems quite common from what I saw on this channel, but I do'nt know if there is an issue about it yet. The workaround we found was to ssh on the node, uncompress the container image from the iso manually and load it with
docker load ...
👍 1
Hello, Yes I also found this mentioned here over slack. I saw that it was recommended to use PXE boot for installation and avoid IDRAC virtual drive which is too slow ? Anyway will try PXE boot installation and update the results here Thank you for replying
The pxe boot is recommended but I couldn't try it. I'm curious about the results.
OK will update here as soon as I’ll try it
@flat-finland-50817 Just updating that for now I can’t test PXE
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