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# rke2
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With Rancher 2.7.1 looks like v1.24 is latest version supported (per support matrix), so it feels like it is safe_r_ to use Rancher to create RKE2... If not, one would have to find and specify
Either way should work fine! RKE2 standalone install is probably a little bit simpler, as it can be run via
curl -sfL <> | sudo INSTALL_RKE2_VERSION=v1.24.11+rke2r1 sh -
for example to use the latest v1.24 version. If creating via Rancher, I’d recommend going the “Custom Cluster” approach so that you can ensure the VM you use has all the necessary RPMs and workarounds already installed. Rancher provisioning will use the
install method of rke2 for all OSes, so you won’t get the default
installation that you’d expect. If you wanted to use Node Driver, then just make sure your machine image has all the appropriate RPMs installed ahead of time 👍
Thanks @gray-lawyer-73831! Yes, planning to create as "Custom Cluster" then copy/paste registration URL... So, not using node driver method
👍 1
Perfect! You should be fine then! Just beware to have RPMs and any funky networkmanager stuff configured ahead of time
Oh and looking ahead a bit... if I create RKE2 cluster from Rancher UI then I can also upgrade kubernetes version from Rancher UI, correct? So, for example, future version of Rancher supports RKE2 1.25, can I upgrade to that version from UI or would that have any issue?
Yep that should all work fine! 1.25 just as a note is tricky — especially when upgrading from a previous minor due to the removal of PSPs. So just keep that in mind with your 1.24 cluster. If you want to get ahead of it you’ll want to make sure you’re using PSS now instead of PSPs
But all that will have been tested when rancher adds in support for 1.25. There might be some manual remediation required but it will be documented
thank you for your help and support!